If you wonder how the sinking Canadian dollar is affecting technology product prices, look no further than the new Google Nexus 6P. You will pay an extra $200 from the prices you see listed in the US market. If you want the newest “phablet” with the Nexus branding, here is the price breakdown for the […]

Call of Duty – Stop the endless buffing, nerfing and tweaking.
This is an open letter to Activision regarding the Call of Duty series. Action needs to be taken and we hope you agree with our sediments. Do we expect the nerfing, buffing and tweaking to stop or slow down? No, however there is a much more logical, smarter and respectful way of doing it. This […]

USB Type C ports explained – Read this before you buy a device with USB Type C.
We’re not sure if this is a public service announcement, but we sure feel obligated to let you know about USB Type C. Trust us when we say that you’re going to be seeing a lot of new devices coming to market featuring the USB Type C ports. Let’s first talk about benefits that apply […]

New Kodi 15.0 (formerly XBMC) Media Center now available
One of the most interesting pieces of software that I’ve come across in recent times is Kodi, formally known as XBMC. At it’s core, it’s a media center, but you can do many many more things with Kodi than just access and play media from your personal networked library. We won’t get into how to […]

Official Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 8.0 and Tab S2 9.7 Specs
Update: You can now buy the 2015 new Galaxy Tab S2 models from NCIX. Samsung is one of the rare Android tablet makers that can create buzz and excitement. The premier line-up, the Galaxy Tab S2 series is set for a launch date at the end of July. Thanks to Asia sources, the official specs […]