Getting into political stories isn’t what I want to do. With Uber, it becomes a challenge especially when you look at the situation with Uber Vancouver. No question that Uber is aggressive in their effort. Cart before the horse? That’s the Uber way. Now in British Columbia, the BC government is putting up the warnings […]
Author Archive | President, Techaholic Inc.
Build A Computer – Easy To Follow Tutorial
I’m here to explain, in simple terms, how you can build a computer. It’s rewarding, it’s fun and most of all, it’s better than a store bought desktop PC. Don’t get me wrong, there is a place for easy. The pre built desktop computers are available from the main manufacturers like Dell, HP, Lenovo, Asus […]

Cheap Nexus tablet? Cheap Nexus phone? No more.
I’m going to go on a mini rant here. When Google rolled out their pre orders for the Nexus 9 and soon-to-be Nexus 6, I did some reading around. Following the device announcement, the prices started getting posted. Then came the comments in the forums and social media. In a way I dismissed the complaints […]

Nexus 6 – Should You Buy One?
It’s quite clear that the growing phablet market is here to stay. When you see Google jumping into the segment along with Apple, then you know something is right. Phablet? Yes, the tablet that’s a phone. Get it? It’s a smartphone greater than 5-inches. Is A 6-Inch Phone Too Big For You? The Nexus 6 […]

Buy a Xbox 360 and not a Xbox One. Am I crazy?
Okay, here is a headline that will take your breath away. Correct? I’m suggesting that you buy an outdated xbox 360 and not a Xbox One? Correct, that is exactly what I’m suggesting. If you’re like me, you’ve got an original Xbox 360 console. Know the white one? Perhaps you’re like me. Ah, but this […]